Sustainability Preferences

Sustainability Preferences


1. Which of the following aspects best describe your sustainability preferences:

A: IBIPs (insurance-based investment products) that pursue a minimum proportion of sustainable investments in economic activities that qualify as environmentally sustainable under Article 3 of the EU Taxonomy where the minimum proportion is determined by the customer or potential customer. The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that defines six overarching environmental objectives and sets out a detailed list of economic activities that can contribute to at least one of the objectives, without doing significant harm to any of the others.

B: IBIPs that pursue a minimum proportion of sustainable investments (investments in economic activities that contribute to an environmental or social objective, provided that such investments do not significantly harm any of those objectives and that the investee companies follow good governance practices) where the minimum proportion is determined by the customer or potential customer

C: IBIPs that consider Principal Adverse Impacts (‘PAIs’) on sustainability factors, where elements demonstrating that consideration are determined by the customer. PAIs are intended to capture the impact of investment decisions (and advice) that results in negative effects on sustainability factors. Sustainability factors are defined as ‘environmental, social or employee matters, respect for human rights, anticorruption and anti-bribery matters

D: Other (Please specify)