The CFAR™ reporting system is unique to and designed by MacCourt Financial Planning. The CFAR™ is constantly updated to reflect changes in tax, legislation and the marketplace. Reports can be provided instantly – at first meeting – reducing time requirements for analysis which reduces costs.
The CFAR™ is an award winning software program developed over the last 20 years by Gervase MacCourt

- Cash flow evaluation in retirement, including:
- Private pensions
- Personal investments
- Occupational pensions
- State pension
- Rental income
Cash flow evaluation includes stress testing future budget plans against current pensions / investments. Tax calculations are included in the CFAR to identify net sustainable income in retirement.
- Overall portfolio risk evaluation and rebalancing recommendations. Aligning investment profile with clients financial profile / experience / risk profiling.
- Technical Pensions analysis. Funding tests, optimising use of tax exemptions.
- Property portfolio cashflow analysis. Including loan stress tests, where appropriate
Customised to Your Needs
The CFAR™ system provides detailed client reports in minutes. Reporting is modular based, allowing for production of reports tailored to each clients individual financial circumstances.

Consistently updated to take economic changes into account
The CFAR™ system incorporates leading third-party independent research on investment return projections, regular updates reflecting changes in Irish tax or pensions law, and quarterly updates on investment performance.

Summary of
overall assets
An overview of where wealth / assets are held

investment portfolio
Summary of personal financial assets and associated risk profile

Cash flow in Retirement projections
Detailed analysis of cash flow in retirement, reflecting Irish tax rates and projected long term investment returns

Identifies Revenue maximum funding allowance

Research modules
Research on charges, investment strategy, tax rates, product structures