AML Upload

AML Upload

Please use the below upload function to provide us with your AML documentation. This page can be used to select files on a desktop, or to take pictures of documents with your mobile phone. Please ensure all 4 corners of documents are visible in photographs

Acceptable proof of Identification documents include:

Passport, Driver Licence 

- ensure documents are "in date" and not expired. For Driver Licence, we require front and back of the licence if using the 'card' version

Acceptable proof of address documents include: 

Bank StatementsHousehold / Utility Bills, Government issued documents, Motor Insurance documents

- Please ensure proof of address documents are dated within the last 3 months

Acceptable proof of PPS documents include:

Revenue correspondence, European health Insurance Card, Drugs Refund Scheme Card


Proof of Identification

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Proof of Address

Maximum file size: 516MB

Maximum file size: 516MB

Proof of PPS number

Maximum file size: 516MB